
Thoughts on Investing and Investment Ideas

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Could Biocon Lead a Pharma Rally

Indian pharma industry saw its sunny days between 2010 and 2015 when drug patents worth $100 expired. Indian companies saw phenomenal growth due to generics exports. The Nifty pharma index went up 4x during this

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Is Paytm a Worthy Bet

Paytm is synonymous with digital payments and is one of the leading players for digital transactions in India. Earlier, its revenue streams were fluctuating but with passage of time, they have become crystallized into following

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When To Sell

Anyone who has worked long enough in the stock market would know that the selling decision is far more difficult than the buying decision. Sell too early and investors miss out the bulk of the

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Stock Selection

Common complaint of the elder generation, ‘those were good old times’ is rightly criticized for its blanket debunking of the present in favor of the past seen through nostalgia tinted glasses. The world has indeed

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WACC is the weighted average cost of capital. It is the minimum return that a company must earn to satisfy all the stakeholders (viz lenders and shareholders) who give money to the company. Lenders demand

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Inflation and Investing

Two main ideas to keep in mind about inflation’s impact on money and other assets are: a) ‘Real’ assets keep getting more expensive. Hence owning real assets is better than owning cash.b) Cash keeps losing

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